Saturday, 8 October 2011

Screenshots already

So already we have the first few screenshots coming through...

Alex's work first:
A screen from which he first started allowing look up by barcode. It looks pretty simple really, but this is where iPhone programs start before they become all pretty for the end user. I think he just wanted proof of concept...

So you press "Capture" it starts a barcode reader ... which is what the number displayed is... and it finds the book associated with that barcode. You can then either scan the next book by pressing capture again, or you can go to the "Third" screen (we'll get better names soon) and see all the books you've scanned in (at the moment this is only in a list format until my bits of "pretty-ing" get finished) with a picture for them.

We're not sure why but apparently some books have a couple of versions associated with the same barcode. Like two different language versions of Twelfth Night apparently :S

Also, I'm not trying to brag here (or maybe I am) but it's amazing how fast Alex already has this working. I'm definitely not that fast.

My work for the day has been this blog and this:

Which may not look like much, but considering that's not an actual bookshelf (it's the work of several hours with different textures in photoshop instead) I'm pretty pleased. Of course I'm going to need to keep up with Alex which may or may not be possible. He's already dreaming of a 3D library interface which sounds ridiculously daunting even if I do say so myself.

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